
Elegant Explorations

live music | blending genres

Whether performing, teaching, or directing, Charlotte draws on her unique background including formal classical training, extensive collaborative experience, broad stylistic cultivation, and improvisational studies to enhance and invigorate her music.

Major stylistic influences include classical composers such as Bach, Chopin, and Debussy, as well as jazz legends like Nat King Cole, Fats Waller, Ella Fitzgerald, and Bill Evans. She also enjoys covering country classics from Hank Williams Sr. to George Strait, as well as popular artists such as the Beatles, Radiohead, Dr. D.R.E., and many more.

Charlotte is available for public performances, private events, weddings, collaboration, and instruction. Visit the Services page or contact Charlotte for more information.

Now booking 2025 events serving:

Twin Cities

Photo credit: Liam O. Gallagher

Photo credit: Liam O. Gallagher